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HS: I Want That!

Ah, the holiday season. What a wonderful time of the year. There are decorations everyone you turn, a heavy presence of egg nog in refrigerators, lots of ugly sweaters and the obnoxious blasting of the same holiday-themed songs sung by the same artists. In addition to this, there is a common and somewhat clichéd phrase that seems to be the slogan of this season: this season is a time of giving. Christmas and other holidays during this time are all about being around friends and family and giving to others to make memories last. With a huge part the gifts being a part of this culture, there are the gift “givers” and the gift “getters.” Individuals wanting to give to others are perceived as selfless and caring while those who like to accumulate gifts are thought of as selfish and arrogant. Although this is the current status quo, is it possible that getting what one wants feels better than giving? Personally, I find giving to be more fulfilling; however, I would say getting a gift feels great as well. It is illogical to say “getters” in general are careless and self-centered. Who doesn’t like gifts? If your answer is no, you are lying to yourself. I apologize if I come across as unnecessarily aggressive, but I feel like it is an innate response. For example, if you ask a child who celebrates Christmas what do they want to have under their tree, what would be their response? Would they say that the gifts do not matter and all they want for Christmas is a wonderful time spent with their loving family? Heck no! They are going to say that they want the new gaming system or a cool toy or doll they saw while watching TV or YouTube. I think it is safe to say that the childish feeling does not fade away when adulthood approaches. All in all, there has to be a balance. Do not be ashamed to voice what you want to receive, but there is definitely a line you can cross where it looks like your ego is consuming you. I mean, there has to be “getters” for there to be “givers,” right? With all that being said, I feel like seeing someone smile after they get a gift I gave is a bit more fulfilling to me, yet I would never reject a gift because I know that person has similar intentions in comparison to mine. In conclusion, give gifts that will last for years to come and be ready receive some, too.

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