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Verbomania, noun: a mania for words; excessive use of or obsession with words. It is fitting that sixth grader Sean Ruddy won the spelling bee with this word, causing the commons to erupt in shouts and cheers.

With a field of twenty-two competitors in grades sixth through eight, the 2019 spelling bee was especially competitive. While there were a typical number of preliminary rounds, it became more and more competitive as the field narrowed. Locked in an incredibly competitive final, eighth grader Jason Meschke and Ruddy kept their cool, with Ruddy emerging victorious after ten or fifteen rounds (spelling bee officiant Michael Pulsinelli stopped keeping track after the eighth round).

“I’m very proud of [Jason],” says junior Joshua Meschke of his little brother. While Joshua enjoyed watching Jason compete, he did describe the spelling bee as “drawn-out.” Because of the high level of competition in the final round, sixth hour classes convened twenty minutes late, even with the adjusted schedule. For that, students have the brave spelling bee competitors to thank.

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