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Phoebe Ulbrick

When traversing the halls of Seabury, trudging along and dragging your head in sheer fatigue, you may have noticed a certain set of vividly-colored socks hastening past. The owner of these socks is Phoebe Ulbrick.

Ulbrick is a seventh grader who enjoys drawing, playing volleyball and acting. Her favorite subject is Histography. She also likes alternative music, and her favorite band is Panic! At the Disco.

She previously attended Raintree Montessori School, and was born here in Lawrence, but has lived in multiple places. “I lived here and in Colorado, but I’ve never lived anywhere for more than four years,” she says.

In Colorado, she resided in Colorado Springs and Boulder. She has no siblings. “I guess it’s fun. I get quiet time, and I’m not interrupted very often,” says Ulbrick, regarding how she feels about not having siblings. “But I do have a cat named Cheese, who’s a lot to handle.”

So far, Ulbrick says she enjoys Seabury. “I really like it. It’s a very fun school to be at with lots of nice, exciting things,” she says. “I expected it to be, I don’t know, maybe a little bigger. I didn’t expect to get to know all my classmates this well, but I did,” she added.

This was a positive thing, according to a later quote from Ulbrick. “I really like my grade,” she said, when asked what her favorite thing about Seabury was. “My grade is a good grade. We’ve got a lot of good people in our grade, and I also really like how close the community is.” One interesting and important aspect of Ulbrick’s life is her art. She often draws and paints. Her favorite thing to draw is cartoon people, as she really likes comics and manga and draws inspiration from them.“I’ve been drawing for a while. My mom’s an artist too,” she says. Ulbrick’s mother does acrylic paintings.

She originally found her passion for drawing at Raintree. “When I went to Raintree, there was a girl that was older than me, and she drew a lot,” she says, when asked where her inspiration came from. “I really liked her drawings.”

In addition to drawing cartoon and comic-style art, Ulbrick also enjoys drawing clothes. She also has a very distinct style. “I kind of like old fashion, like 80’s and plaid stuff,” she says.

Another interesting facet of Ulbrick’s fashion is her choice of socks, which is an art unto itself: “My mom tries to put my socks together, but I just take them apart again. Some days I feel really quirky, and I want to have one knee sock and one ankle sock. Some days two knee socks, or two ankle socks, but always different colors, and different patterns.”

Undoubtedly, Ulbrick is a talented and fascinating addition to the Seabury community.

What people are saying about Phoebe:

“Phoebe is very energetic and positive, and she can pull off anything she wears.” -Isabel Klish, 7th grade

“Phoebe is a crazy creative soul. I’ll never forget how she wears two different socks.” -Sara Asher, Faculty

“She’s incredibly creative with both her art and her style.” -Chloe Akers, senior

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