"Escape Room"
“Escape Room” is a must-watch. Even though I knew only one of the actors, the movie was really good. It was advertised as “Drama/Mystery,” and it certainly is very dramatic and mysterious, with some horror elements, such as one of the first scenes in the movie. One of the more interesting parts of the movie is the backstories of the characters because it gives the movie more meaning and the rooms utilize their backstories very well. A lot of people say this movie did not have enough scares, but it does not need to have many jump scares because of the suspense and the fact that it was not advertised as a horror film.
The principle of the movie is similar to “The Maze Runner” because the participants are trapped somewhere that is being manipulated by people on the outside, and there are lethal dangers everywhere you look. Every part of the movie was unexpected and I probably blinked three times throughout the entire movie. In my opinion, the best part of the movie is the hospital bed scene or the billiards room, though all of the rooms are incredibly thought-out and suspenseful.
This movie is really freaky because even if you do not have any specific fears at all, it will make you grimace just imagining yourself in the place of the people in the rooms. It is also similar to “The Hunger Games” because only one person can survive the game. Also similar to “The Hunger Games,” the game gets broken (without saying too much). “Escape Room” also has a selection process, like “The Hunger Games”. It is also similar because the whole process ends up repeating itself in the end.
Though the professional critics did not grade this movie very well, I thought it was pretty good.
4.5 anchors.