HS: A Deal with Death
Capital punishment is a very probable consequence for those who commit unthinkable crimes. There are currently over 2,500 inmates that are on death row in the United States. Most of them do not even get the chance to undergo execution, resulting in death by natural causes for those inmates.
Obviously, murder is illegal. However, those whose actions are deemed inexcusably harmful to a certain degree have the possibility of being killed by another individual legally. In addition, I will confidently claim that those with a sane mind find killing another person immensely uncomfortable and disturbing. Yet, some celebrate when they find out a criminal they dread has been sentenced to death. Talk about irony.
I have always pondered this subject, centering it around one question: what is the difference between a life sentence and a death sentence? Personally, I think there is no difference. Either way, a criminal facing either option will die in the hands of the government while simultaneously being stripped of basic rights. The only difference is that one would live longer if sentenced to life.
A common question sneaks its way into this particular discussion: which is worse? Some argue that execution is the harshest a consequence could be. On the contrary, I believe the life sentence is more grueling. One staring at the same blank wall in a tiny room eating the same bland food without genuine human interaction for the remainder of their life sounds like dying to me. The individual is no longer human. Once things get to a certain point dying becomes favorable. Therefore, I think that is why a life sentence should prevail as the harshest and ideal form of punishment for those who are guilty of such horrific crimes.
States have control whether capital punishment tactics can be carried out in their state. On that note, 20 states have banned any form of capital punishment. In 1846, Michigan became the first state to ban all forms of execution, and several other states have decided to do the same since then. Society has been extremely progressive in terms of the treatment of other human beings. Yes, we are not perfect, but it is obvious that we have become more willing to listen to those who find certain situations problematic. From civil rights to prison reform to gender equality, individuals seeking change can ignite a movement with ease. The idea of execution is one of those topics that can potentially rub many the wrong way. That is why I believe that this trend will eventually abolish all forms of execution in the future, leaving the life sentence as the new capital punishment.