Debate Dominates
The debate team this weekend rocked their tournaments. The novice debaters went to Gardener and took third in sweepstakes. Sophomores...
Review: Crazy Rich Asians
“Crazy Rich Asians,” directed by John H. Chu, is a hilarious rom-com, but it has a very predictable plot. The movie takes place when...
Highschool Editorial: Human Robots
There is no way around it. You can try to ignore it, act like it does not exist or say that it has no purpose, yet it is quite obvious...
Middle School Editorial: Human Robots
From typewriters to Apple watches, technology has evolved and adapted more than ever in the past century and modern society has followed...
Review: Hawaiian Bros
Hawaii is a culture full of good food. We now have a chance to experience some of those foods with one of the newer restaurants in town,...
MS XC at Wellsville
The Middle School Cross Country team continued its dominance last Thursday with a very successful race at Wellsville. The seventh and...

Varsity XC at Wellsville
Yesterday, the Bishop Seabury high school cross country team had a successful day at the Wellsville Meet, with junior Henry Nelson taking...

Going Clubbing
“Tweeeet!” A whistle is blown at a Bishop Seabury basketball game, signifying the end of the first half. All order dissolves. Popcorn is...

High School Volleyball Dominates
High school girls volleyball had an amazing night winning against Kansas City East Christian School and Veritas. They beat both teams in...
Seabury Soccer Defeats Kansas City East
The high school boys’ soccer team defeated Kansas City East at home in one of their strongest defensive games of the season with a final...